
Showing posts from March, 2024

San Antonio

We spent a long time driving one day this week. (To get an idea of how much time check the distance between Lake Texana and the Alamo.) We arrived back at our travel trailer way past our customary bedtime, but we had lots of exercise and loads of fun. Here are some photos from our road trip:

Whoopee Here

  We drive to the National Wildlife Refuge for a day trip and see more critters than we are able to photograph with the cameras in our smartphones. A sense of wonder envelops us, brotherhood and sisterhood with plants, animals, water, earth, and sky.  After this... There's this...    Javalenas at a distance...   Weeds...   Wading birds... Signage...    And best of all, the Whooping Cranes...

Moving Southwest

We tow from Holly Beach,  Louisiana,  to Lake Texana Park and Campground,  Edna, Texas. Traffic slows our progress in Houston and at the end of Interstate Highway 69, where four lanes merge into one, and a road construction project is underway.  We leave the Creole Trail: Towing through Port Arthur,  Texas: We feel welcome at Lake Texana: Cousins on the Short side of our family are camping here, so we plan to visit with them. In fact one of them greets us at our travel trailer this morning. These animals wave good bye when we exit: