
Showing posts from December, 2023

Here for the Night

Here we are for an evening near Lake City, Florida. We towed both yesterday and today. Our plan is to tow again tomorrow then to camp in one place for a month. It felt nice to spend time with our family, to catch up with friends, to celebrate Christmas, and to worship with our home church. Oh--and our doctors wanted to see us in December, too. They tell us we are in good health at our age.

Almost Home

I had an interesting experience back in October. Jeri and I stayed in a hotel while our travel trailer was receiving maintenance service.  After we retrieved it, towed it to a campground, and set up camp I turned to Jeri and said, "It feels  good to be home." How odd! Reflecting on it, I surprised myself in feeling "at home" in our travel trailer,  instead of  feeling "at home" in our "permanent" house in Montevallo,  Alabama. I suppose the shift in "home" space crept over me gradually throughout the months we have lived in the travel trailer. Currently, we are spending a few weeks in the Birmingham, Alabama, area, keeping appointments with our dentist and doctors, and anticipating a happy Christmas celebration with our sons, their families,  and friends. Jeri is spreading Christmas cheer here. Roger, not so much...this is the picture of myself that I posted on my new doctor's registration page. (I was referr...