Almost Home

I had an interesting experience back in October. Jeri and I stayed in a hotel while our travel trailer was receiving maintenance service.  After we retrieved it, towed it to a campground, and set up camp I turned to Jeri and said, "It feels  good to be home." How odd!

Reflecting on it, I surprised myself in feeling "at home" in our travel trailer,  instead of  feeling "at home" in our "permanent" house in Montevallo,  Alabama. I suppose the shift in "home" space crept over me gradually throughout the months we have lived in the travel trailer.

Currently, we are spending a few weeks in the Birmingham, Alabama, area, keeping appointments with our dentist and doctors, and anticipating a happy Christmas celebration with our sons, their families,  and friends.

Jeri is spreading Christmas cheer here.
Roger, not so much...this is the picture of myself that I posted on my new doctor's registration page. (I was referred to yet another specialist. Don't ask.)

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